VRt.Studio: analytics and visualization
VRt.Studio is an analytical service that allows you to evaluate the effect of implementing Veeroute's optimizer.
When choosing a tool for route optimization and trip planning, the most important criterion you may assess is the effectiveness of the solution. As a customer, you should clearly understand what benefits your company will get when implementing automated trip planning.
The effectiveness of the trip planning service can be measured in different ways, depending on the particular needs of your business. The most obvious evaluation parameter is cost reduction. However, in practice, savings often come second to automation or the level of service.
As an example, if the trip planning service automatically generates feasible routes, which do not require manual modification, it will speed up delivery planning several times and significantly simplify business processes. Here you can see an example of how this happens.
VRt.Studio will save time and make analytical work easier and more accessible. Now you can visually evaluate the effectiveness of Veeroute route optimization, test various criteria, and compare the results with other products' solutions.

What is VRt.Studio?
VRt.Studio is a service that helps you analyze route optimization results both numerically and visually. Just upload data on orders, locations, and vehicles, and then select optimization parameters. After doing so, the ready-made routes will appear on the map.
Why do you need VRt.Studio?
VRt.Studio allows you to evaluate Veeroute's effectiveness and visualize the compiled routes on a map. What is it for?
For a quick introduction to the product. If you want to learn how the engine works and evaluate the quality of Veeroute's routing, upload your data into the system and get a clear result.
For exploring potential benefits. Choose from different optimization settings to see how your business may benefit from Veeroute's routing.
For analytics. Visualizing routes allows you to perform any calculations you might need. Analyze the transportation system's operation and test any hypotheses promptly and easily, as the result of the calculations can be assessed visually.
How to use VRt.Studio?
VRt.Studio's interface is highly intuitive. In order to use the service, you do not need special skills or additional tools such as Postman or Insomnia. All you need to work with VRt.Studio is your dataset.
In Veeroute's earlier versions, the user could interact with the engine exclusively through the API, using JSON records. With VRt.Studio, evaluating the routing result and optimization has become much faster and easier.

Explore Veeroute's real routing capabilities and visually evaluate its optimization
In search of an automatic delivery routing tool? VRt.Studio will help you test the Veeroute engine and evaluate its effectiveness.
While comparing different software products for routing and delivery optimization, it is important to use different datasets. Otherwise, the product may show good results only due to well-chosen input data. If you want to know more, here's an article in which we speak on this topic closely.
With VRt.Studio, you can test the operation of the Veeroute optimizer on any data and determine the quality of trip planning.
When choosing route optimization software, make sure the product meets your company's objectives. To do this, it is worth testing the operation of the engine on your own data, as you can determine whether the solution suits your business's specifics or not.
VRt.Studio uses in its work datasets uploaded by the user. Test the service on real company data for a determined period of time and evaluate the benefits you could get using Veeroute's routing.
While checking various services for delivery routing and logistics management, you should pay attention to the optimization criteria. Based on what goal does the engine build the routes — to make it cheaper, faster, or more condensed?
VRt.Studio allows you to select different optimization settings for each task. Analyze the optimization and quality of Veeroute's routing for different logistics scenarios.